로그인 회원가입

머리를 물 속에 집어넣다 영어로


영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • duck
  •     물11 (일반적인) water. 단~ fresh water.
  • 속에    in; inward; in the house; inside; within; in jail
  • 집어넣다    집어넣다 put[take / bring] in; throw[cast /
  • 집어넣다    집어넣다 put[take / bring] in; throw[cast / fling] in[into]. 가방에 서류를 ~ stuff the documents into a briefcase. 계란을 끓는 물에 ~ put an egg into boiling water. 휴지통에 ~ throw into the wastebasket. 도둑놈을 감옥에 ~ thr
  • 속에 넣다    drop in on
  • 끌어넣다    끌어넣다 draw[drag] in[into]; pull in[into]; take[bring] into ; lead in; [가입시키다] enlist; [유인하다] win[gain / bring] over ; [유혹하다] tempt[entice] in[into]. 소를 외양간에 ~ lead[take / bring] a cow into a barn. 음
  • 물어넣다    물어넣다 [축낸 것을 갚아 넣다] pay back; repay; refund; reimburse; compensate for. 유용한 회사 돈을 ~ repay misappropriated company funds.
  • 밀어넣다    밀어넣다 push[force / squeeze / thrust] in. 만원 열차에 통근자를 밀어넣는 역무원 a station employee who shoves commuters into crowded trains. 작은 방에 많은 사람을 ~ crowd a lot of people into a small room. 지갑에 지폐를 ~ stuff one'
  • 얽어넣다    involve
  • 에 불어넣다    imbue
  • 잔뜩 틀어넣다    fill up
  • 적어넣다    mark down; make cheaper
  • 접어넣다    fold in
  • 틀어넣다    틀어넣다 cram; stuff; load; wad; squeeze ; jam; (짐 등을) pack; (사람을) crowd . 음식을 뱃속에 잔뜩 ~ stuff[load] one's stomach with food / stuff[gorge / prime] oneself with food / eat one's fill. 가방에 ~ pack in a ba
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